Sunday, November 24, 2019

Something is missing

A seed is missing to be a sprout
A sprout is missing to be a plant
A plant is missing to be a tree
A tree is missing to be a fruit
A fruit is missing to be ripe

This missing is not negative here, but it's healthy. So if you feel something is missing take it positive. Keep going and keep growing, it takes time to grow. Eternal growth is not seasonal florwers, it is permanent and remains forever, so the growth will take time.

सपनों से भरे नैना

बगिया बगिया बालक भागे

तितली फिर भी हाथ न लागे
इस पगले को कौन बताये
ढूँढ रहा है जो तू जग में
कोई जो पाए तो मन में पाए
सपनों से भरे नैना
तो नींद है न चैना

ऐसी डगर कोई अगर जो अपनाए
हर राह के वो अंत पे रास्ता ही पाए
धूप का रास्ता जो पैर जलाये
मोड़ तो आये छाँव न आये
राही जो चलता है चलता ही जाए
कोई नहीं है जो कहीं उसे समझाए
सपनों से भरे...

दूर ही से सागर जिसे हर कोई माने
पानी है वो या रेत है यह कौन जाने
जैसे के दिन से रैन अलग है
सुख है अलग और चैन अलग है
पर जो यह देखे वो नैना अलग है
चैन है तो अपना सुख है पराये
सपनों से भरे..

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sharing love 2

Day by day, I am getting more and more, life is really beautiful. Everyday passing through the traffic signals all the way to office someone meet and greet with a smile. Yes, we can smile without a reason. There couldn't be a reason for everything. Evern if we don't exchange anything we can smile. that's the biggest trade if we can do it.

I am little bit selfish, I exchange a lot and buy lot of smiles, love and wishes for my loved one too. Wheather I am with them or not I wish they always stay happy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A for Anjali

Anjali, the girl who once drop a key chain on my car desk with a smile. Sometime we don't know how that small key chain connect two person. Everyday I pass through and share food with her.

Today she said "Thanks", but I am more thankful to her for accepting what I shared. Just did some chat with her, she is studying in 8th standard. She is going to school in the morning and rest time selling balloons and key chains on traffic signals. I wish she could study better and do something good what she would love to do with her life.

Life is really beautiful, we are just wasting in collecting waste, which will be no longer belong to us. To live what we need, air to breath, two times food and lot of love to share.

Main Mandir Kyun Jawan,
Mera Yaar Khuda Hai....

Monday, November 4, 2019

Seven Wonders of World

  1. Eyes to see this beautiful universe
  2. Ears to hear the nature's chiming
  3. Nose to smell the fragrances
  4. Sense of touch
  5. Feelings
  6. Smile
  7. Love
Though all these are what few people might be aware at some par, but the most valuable wonder and never thought is 'Breathing'..... When none of above active breathing is active. And till last breath we are alive, rest other might stop before...

Make a practice, if not much then at least once in a day just sit and breath. Just breath, nothing else. Watch each inhale and exhale, just watch..... smoothly..... feel alive. 

Thanks a lot my almighty, 

Sharing love

There are million stars in the sky,
Who cares one more light goes out.....!

I will keep all my promises I did,
will keep lightening the streets...

They are beautiful people, having non-plastic smiles. Just sit with them and be the part of their family. They won't ask you where are you coming from, why do you serve them? Even they don't bother to ask your name.

For just an apple or a banana they were celebrating like a carnival, and we don't bother to trash them lot of time. Lot of time they got rotten in our houses and offices.

Dua bhi tu hai, Khuda bhi tu hai...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

ए मेरे खुदा.....

ए मेरे खुदा.....
मैंने खामोश निगाहों से तुम्हे पूजा है
अपने अरमानो की खुशबु को बिखेरा भी नहीं
दिलमे जस्बात का तूफान छुपाने के लिए
तजकरा प्यार का कभी छेड़ा भी नहीं
मैंने खामोश निगाहों से तुम्हे पूजा है

मैंने वो ख़्वाब तुम्हारे जो कभी देखे थे
उनकी ताबीर मेरे दिल की तक़दीर नहीं
मेरी चाहत का तो अंदाज़ जुदागाना था
गर मिलन हो ना शका प्यार की तहक़ीर नहीं
मैंने खामोश निगाहों से तुम्हे पूजा है

दिल मैं गुज़रे हुए लम्हो की कशक बाकी है
ज़िन्दगी के लिए एक ये भी सहारा होगा
तुमको पाने की तमन्ना ने तो दम तोड़ दिया
तुमसे पाया जो गम ये तो हमारा होगा
मैंने खामोश निगाहों से तुम्हे पूजा है

Thursday, October 31, 2019

तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तेरी बगिया फूलों से भरी है
अगर मुझे कांटे दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तूने दिया खुशियों भरा जीवन है
अगर मुझे दुःख दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तेर बनायीं दुनिया प्रेम से भरी है
अगर मुझे नफ़रत दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तू हरदम मेरे भीतर ही है
अगर मुझे न दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Inside the light

It takes lot of time to understand the value of light and dark. And we keep doing mistakes in darkness in search of light. But reality is different, darkness is low light and light is low darkness. Light and dark seems paradoxical but in real they are complementary to each other. One cannot exist.  

During The journey I made lot of mistakes, even everyone do the same. But real happiness is when someone understands and ignite the light within, also pray for everyone. 

Happy Diwali

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Unfold your wings

Just as staying home is easy for some,
traveling comes easily to others.
Each of us was made for some particular work,
and the desire for that work
has been placed in our hearts.
How should hand and foot
be set in motion without desire?

If you see your desire leading toward Heaven,
unfold your wings to claim it;
but if you see your desire bends to the earth,
keep lamenting.

The wise weep in the beginning;
the foolish beat their heads at the end.
Discern the end from the beginning
so that you may not be repenting
when the Day of Reckoning arrives.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Everyone is running to insure the life of thyself or whom they love. Once get the isurance policy people start feeling safe. When one is sick or dead others can claim the money from insurance company. What to do with money when person is not well or not with you.

My belief is to lovesurance instead of insurance. Take care of the person when he or she is with you. By all mean just be with them, love them a lot. Keep your money aside and fill the life with love.

If you spend at least an hour with the one whom you love, could be anyone a mother, father, wife, brother, sister, kids...... that will not give you monetary rewards. But just happy momemnts. You may spend an hour to make money too, but those millions can't return the time you passed. And the day you are not with that person, what will you do with you money.

Saying I love you, get medical insurance of crores covered by death claim, wathcing movies, taking dinner in 5 stars, dimonds, gold, expensive apparel...... all these are pseudo means of love.

Instead of saying I love you, just care for them. Care is not to be pussasive but let them fly with confidence that if they fall you will be there. Instead of covering them with insurances cover them with the warmth of your love. Take care the way they don't need to go for medical treatments. Take care for their food, help them to take rest, help them to be peaceful..... Instead of watching movies sit with them in utter serenity, just look into their eyes and without uttering a single word let them feel how special he or she is. Instead of dinner at 5 star prepare something normal with your all love and have it under million stars. No dimonds, no gold...... nothing.... just hug with all your presence and let them fell how special they are.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Light of love

Night cancels the business of the day,
inertia recharges the mind.
Then the day cancels the night,
and inertia disappears in the light.
Though we rest and sleep in the dark,
doesn't the dark contain the water of life?
Be refreshed in the darkness.
Doesn't a moment of silence 
restore beauty of the voice?
Opposites manifests through opposites:
in the black core of the heart
God created the eternal light of love.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The one day.....

Dust to dust....
One day I will be disappered,
Where would I go then?
I will be here only,
In this air,
In these oceans,
If you have loved me,
If you have faith on me,
You will feel me everywhere
In your noble silence,
Sudden you will see my presence...

Ever wait for, the One Day!


jab main vida ho jaunga
main kahan jaa sakata hu
main yahi rahunga,
hawao main, sagaro main
yadi tumane muje prem kiya hai
yadi tumane mujpe bharosa kiya hai
to tum muzhe hazaro roop me anubhav karoge
apane maun kshano main,
achanak tum meri upasthiti ka anubhav karoge

Friday, August 9, 2019

Saying I love you is Stupidity

When I heard about making proposal of love, I thought how someone can do this? How someone can do love?

One can walk, one can talk, one can swim...... because these are the activities. But Love is the godly phenomena, it is the essence, it is the being. Yes, one can be Love but can't do Love. Proposal itself is the word of commerce, an activity of buying and selling, and activity of profit and loss. Love has nothing to do with profit or loss.

One can Love anyone, there is no need to say "I Love You". Sun rises and flowers start blossomming, when the flowers feel the warmth, The Sun never need to say anything. Love is a feeling, which is warm enough to be felt. Love is not a heat, it won't burn the things, neither lover nor beloved.

"I Love You.", seems like a full statement, but in deep meaning it is a question. One is asking "Do you Love me?". Otherwise no need to say "I Love You.". Who stopped you to being loving? Love as much as you can, don't afraid, just get destroyed. One day everyone has to be dust, better to blossom like garden of roses, just be the ocean of Love. There are people who are thirsty, there are people who are seeking for the warmth of true Love. Let them jump into, let them dwell into, be the part of that joyous.

The proposol will assassinate Love, it will stale the Love. Let it blossom, let the aroma spread. There is no need to say anything, Love will grow in utter silence, both souls will dwell into eachother and remain one only. There is no possibility of two.

Love is God. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Sticky Indian Culture - 1

In schools we have to take an oath everyday,

India is my country,
All Indians are my brothers and sisters.....

Boys and girls having separate school or sitting arrangements....

In college days, couples has difficulty to sit together, professors and some unions are doing ban on couple

Outside college, police, parents, public, political parties.....

In office, management make rules,

Couples can't work in same office......

At home, so many responsibilities and family memers....

So, in India everyone is taking care to separate the couple each way...

How the gardens of love will blossom??

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Born Buddhas.....

तुम बस शुद्ध हो जाओ
बुद्ध तो तुम हो ही

Yes we all are born buddha. The whole system of nature can create only buddhas. But the whole system designed by humans are ruining those nature's creations. The society, the education system... everything is killing the soul all the time.

Born Buddhas are like raw material, which has equal potential to be. It is same like only coal has potential to be the dimond. Or, gold can be extracted only after passing through heat.


मंज़िले उनको मिलती है
जिनके सपनो में जान होती है
सिर्फ पंखो से कुछ नहीं होता
होंसलो से उड़ान होती है 

Monday, July 1, 2019

One liner....The book

  1. Past is Past.
  2. Acceptance is only joyous.
  3. The last chapter of the life has not been written yet.
  4. Building a Taj Mahal will always take time
  5. Keep lot of patience and be passionate 
  6. Keep donig till your last breath
  7. Today is Life and Tomorrow is Death
  8. Ready to accept failure but don't miss the chance, try it.
  9. Pray everyday and say thanks only.. no matter what happended. Just be thankful for everything.
  10. Mantra of Success : Practice Practice & Practice
  11. Failures are steps on ladder of success, and needed too.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Love & Hatred

Love is blossoming flower while hatred is termite. But both can't survive together. So if you have even trivial hatred for someone or something, the Roses of Love won't blossom in your heart.

That doesn't matter for whom you are carrying hatred or for which reason. That doesn't matter how much you are carrying. If you have it, it will ruin you. The buds of love won't grow. The love which you are feeling with hatred is just an illusion. Acceptance of everything as it is without any oppose is the only way to come out of the illusion. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

ओढ़ी चदरिया रंगीन

भीतर भीतर नंगापन समायो
फिर काहे ओढ़ी चदरिया रंगीन


Thursday, May 16, 2019


Thought to be Buddha
Thought to be Krishna
Thought to be Mahavir
Thought to be Christ  
Thought to put them all together 

Thought to be nothing 

Yes the emptiness, which was common for all of them. Yes, they are nothing more than thoughts. Buddha or Krishna are not a person, they are thoughts or ideology or a stream which appears and disappears intermittently. Can’t occur all together. They might be different in shades of colours, but the living resident within is same - the emptiness. Like the current passing through colourful light bulbs. 

I am not born in same time zone or era they born, so failed every time I tried to be like them. But when stopped imitating and be still with emptiness found me within me.

Either good or bad on others scale, doesn’t matter. I am not born to be something like, I am something and that what I born with. Doesn’t matter, a thorny cactus or venomous scorpion. Doesn’t matter a fruitful mango tree or colourful rose. That doesn’t matter, a cactus can’t smell like rose, a rose can’t produce mango, a mango tree can’t survive in deserts. 

Everything is godly, the almighty creation. This is the life you wanted since ages and eras, don’t waste it. 

Yes this is the only life.......

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Cosmic Her!!!

Her Eyes Celestial

Her Hair Mystic

Her Nose Moonly Crescent Curve

Her Lips, Spring Blossom

Her Eyebrows Cutest Couple

Mole by her Eyes On Either Side Divine

Freckle Spots by Face, OMG the Double Divine

The Cosmic Her!!!

That’s not your celestial eyes,
But the soul seen through the eyes,
That attracts me.

That is not your mystic hair,
But the warmth of your being,
That melts me.

That is not your Moonly crescent curved nose,
But the smile on your face,
That connects me.

That is not blossoming spring on your lips,
But the way you speak to people,
That bound me.

That is not all the cosmetics ,
But the divine cosmos within you,
That hold me.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


I am happy while not with you
but, I don't exist while with you
And most time I don't exist...!

the whole in one stays connecting with you
every single breath reflecting you
Is this an obsession of love
or, my dust disolving in universe

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Radhe Radhe - मुझमे धडकती हो तुम्ही तुम दूर मुझसे हो कहा

तुम प्रेम हो तुम प्रीत हो मेरी बांसुरी का गीत हो,
तुम प्रेम हो तुम प्रीत हो मन मीत हो मेरी राधे,
तुम प्रेम हो तुम प्रीत हो मेरी बांसुरी का गीत हो

हु मैं यहाँ तुम हो वहा राधा,
तुम बिन नही है कुछ यहा
मुझमे धडकती हो तुम्ही तुम दूर मुझसे हो कहा
तुम प्रेम हो तुम प्रीत हो ....

परमात्मा का स्पर्श हो
पुलकित हिर्ध्ये का हर्ष हो
तुम हो समपर्ण का शिखर
तुम ही मेरा उत्कर्श हो
तुम प्रेम हो तुम प्रीत हो ....

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Divine couple & Unsung Heroes

Sebastiao Salgado & Lélia Wanick Salgado, a couple from Brazil planted 2 million trees and earn all respect and love.

This might seem insane to the people running and making millions. This is the real gift to the future, this way Salgado put his sign over the earth. These are unsung heroes which are not role models for youth, though giving something valuable gift to them.  

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


"Today is only designed by God, Yesterday and Tomorrow are men made."

If you wake up today, then just say thanks to the Almighty and jump off the bed. Because you are still alive and breating for the new day. No matter what happned the day before, no matter what will happen a day after. The only thing you have in hand is Today. Put your all energy to live it as you want, just make it better as you can. Think of the last day you are living and the last chapter to your life has not been written yet. You have the access to write your own last chapter. Yes, you can. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Meaning for nothing or Meaning for everything

People looking at painting asking for the meaning. My question is, why meaning? You are not asking the meaning of the real thing, then why do you ask question for meaning of painting.

When we ask first time to parents, what is that? They might have answered a cow, a sparrow.... and many more. After knowing the name we felt we know everything and our parents take proud about kids are smart now. But no one know that is just a name which is not telling anything about it, just a name. Kids are always curious to know what is a cow?, but they always get an answer Cow is Cow, because those parents got the same answer from their parents.... Ages and ages, we are passing the names and information only without knowing it. Same like blind man having all information about light, but in real he doesn't have any experience. Information can't do anything, there is only way to experience and that is your own eyes.

We never ask the meaning of life, as no one have an answer. Everyone is trying to give us the goal of life, which is absolutely incorrect. This life was your goal since ages and ages, you were waiting for this life.

Now you have the beautiful life, so just enjoy it. There can't be a goal of the goal. Enjoy the whole journey now, till last breath. Enjoy each breath you are taking in and out. The life is the time of celebration for acheivement of goal which you were waiting for since ages.

All saints and monks have follow their hearts, they never follow any religions. Knowing and following thyself is the only religion taught by the masters. But we have just ruined that message by following them and set them as idle. If Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Christ, Mohammad... all these are God then to whom they were following. They follow their heart, so you!

To follow own heart, is the only religion one should follow. That will give you meaning for everything. Just sing your songs, just dance, just love, just be the witness of everything, don't waste a moment. You never know when the dust will be dust again.

Blind man light

A blind man has always a fight
As they don't have experience of light

Though education narrate in detail
But the whole education system remain fail

The whole theory of light,
couldn't help them to flight.

Nowadays, so called saints who are trying to narrate Religions and God are doing the same as Blind man's light. They have never experienced but they are having all theory which might be more than who have experienced. 

The whole universe is mine

The whole universe is mine
Remaining is thy

If you are hindu, please take away thy stars,
If you are muslim, please take away thy stars,
If you are christian, please take away thy stars,

If you can, please stay away with thy
There is no star shining for you,

There was a day when everything was smoke,
There will be a day when everything will be smoke

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


कहने को हम पास है पर
कितनी दूरी है
ये भी कैसी मज़बूरी है
तुमसे हमदर्दी भी
नहीं कर सकता मैं
मेरे बस की बात नहीं है
मैं ये बहते आंसू पोंछू
उतनी मेरी औकात नहीं है
मै भी यहीं हूँ
तुम भी यहीं हो
पर सच ये है
मैं हूं कहीं
तुम और कहीं
कहने को हम पास है पर
कितनी दूरी है
ये भी कैसी मज़बूरी है