Monday, April 25, 2022

Love of nature or Natural Love

If someone puts the vessel full of water on the fire, the water will be heated and at stretch, it will be evaporated. 

To do that none of the following is required,

  1. Education
  2. Money
  3. Hindu/Muslim/Christian
  4. Sharpness/Smartness
  5. Active
Even so-called dumb, poor, theist, atheist, lazy person can put the vessel on fire and it will happen.

That simply means nature doesn't care about Earthian characteristics. Nature has its own laws and it works accordingly. Fire will give you heat, water will make you wet, and air will make you dry. Nature doesn't distinguish between good and bad.

So natural love won't distinguish, it will be pure and total to everything and everyone. Love doesn't have boundaries of mine and yours. It's total as one.

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