Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Who need medicine?

Everyone was visiting a Guru in the city specially when he was sharing noble thoughts. Once thief started to visit the Guru. Everyone knows him, he was a thief, a burglar, a drunken man. All kind of bad habits found in him. People at the place started gossiping about him, as no one dare to him directly tell him the truth. Good social people started disgusting him. People have question that, why this man is coming here?

One day that man stopped to visit the Guru's place. After some time people found him living normal life with lot of peace. Now some people asked him visit the Guru regularly that will help him.

The thief said, I am thief and I loot the place once. I found the diamond sutras, no need to visit the same place again. He said, when I was burglar I found myself a sick man. That's why I visited the Guru, like sick people visit the doctor. But instead of praying in front of the doctors prescription, I took the medicines given to me and I found myself cured. Now no need to visit the doctor again.

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