Thursday, October 31, 2019

तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तेरी बगिया फूलों से भरी है
अगर मुझे कांटे दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तूने दिया खुशियों भरा जीवन है
अगर मुझे दुःख दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तेर बनायीं दुनिया प्रेम से भरी है
अगर मुझे नफ़रत दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है

ऐ खुदा तू हरदम मेरे भीतर ही है
अगर मुझे न दिखे तो कसूर मेरा है 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Inside the light

It takes lot of time to understand the value of light and dark. And we keep doing mistakes in darkness in search of light. But reality is different, darkness is low light and light is low darkness. Light and dark seems paradoxical but in real they are complementary to each other. One cannot exist.  

During The journey I made lot of mistakes, even everyone do the same. But real happiness is when someone understands and ignite the light within, also pray for everyone. 

Happy Diwali

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Unfold your wings

Just as staying home is easy for some,
traveling comes easily to others.
Each of us was made for some particular work,
and the desire for that work
has been placed in our hearts.
How should hand and foot
be set in motion without desire?

If you see your desire leading toward Heaven,
unfold your wings to claim it;
but if you see your desire bends to the earth,
keep lamenting.

The wise weep in the beginning;
the foolish beat their heads at the end.
Discern the end from the beginning
so that you may not be repenting
when the Day of Reckoning arrives.

Friday, August 30, 2019


Everyone is running to insure the life of thyself or whom they love. Once get the isurance policy people start feeling safe. When one is sick or dead others can claim the money from insurance company. What to do with money when person is not well or not with you.

My belief is to lovesurance instead of insurance. Take care of the person when he or she is with you. By all mean just be with them, love them a lot. Keep your money aside and fill the life with love.

If you spend at least an hour with the one whom you love, could be anyone a mother, father, wife, brother, sister, kids...... that will not give you monetary rewards. But just happy momemnts. You may spend an hour to make money too, but those millions can't return the time you passed. And the day you are not with that person, what will you do with you money.

Saying I love you, get medical insurance of crores covered by death claim, wathcing movies, taking dinner in 5 stars, dimonds, gold, expensive apparel...... all these are pseudo means of love.

Instead of saying I love you, just care for them. Care is not to be pussasive but let them fly with confidence that if they fall you will be there. Instead of covering them with insurances cover them with the warmth of your love. Take care the way they don't need to go for medical treatments. Take care for their food, help them to take rest, help them to be peaceful..... Instead of watching movies sit with them in utter serenity, just look into their eyes and without uttering a single word let them feel how special he or she is. Instead of dinner at 5 star prepare something normal with your all love and have it under million stars. No dimonds, no gold...... nothing.... just hug with all your presence and let them fell how special they are.
