Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Meaning for nothing or Meaning for everything

People looking at painting asking for the meaning. My question is, why meaning? You are not asking the meaning of the real thing, then why do you ask question for meaning of painting.

When we ask first time to parents, what is that? They might have answered a cow, a sparrow.... and many more. After knowing the name we felt we know everything and our parents take proud about kids are smart now. But no one know that is just a name which is not telling anything about it, just a name. Kids are always curious to know what is a cow?, but they always get an answer Cow is Cow, because those parents got the same answer from their parents.... Ages and ages, we are passing the names and information only without knowing it. Same like blind man having all information about light, but in real he doesn't have any experience. Information can't do anything, there is only way to experience and that is your own eyes.

We never ask the meaning of life, as no one have an answer. Everyone is trying to give us the goal of life, which is absolutely incorrect. This life was your goal since ages and ages, you were waiting for this life.

Now you have the beautiful life, so just enjoy it. There can't be a goal of the goal. Enjoy the whole journey now, till last breath. Enjoy each breath you are taking in and out. The life is the time of celebration for acheivement of goal which you were waiting for since ages.

All saints and monks have follow their hearts, they never follow any religions. Knowing and following thyself is the only religion taught by the masters. But we have just ruined that message by following them and set them as idle. If Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Christ, Mohammad... all these are God then to whom they were following. They follow their heart, so you!

To follow own heart, is the only religion one should follow. That will give you meaning for everything. Just sing your songs, just dance, just love, just be the witness of everything, don't waste a moment. You never know when the dust will be dust again.

Blind man light

A blind man has always a fight
As they don't have experience of light

Though education narrate in detail
But the whole education system remain fail

The whole theory of light,
couldn't help them to flight.

Nowadays, so called saints who are trying to narrate Religions and God are doing the same as Blind man's light. They have never experienced but they are having all theory which might be more than who have experienced. 

The whole universe is mine

The whole universe is mine
Remaining is thy

If you are hindu, please take away thy stars,
If you are muslim, please take away thy stars,
If you are christian, please take away thy stars,

If you can, please stay away with thy
There is no star shining for you,

There was a day when everything was smoke,
There will be a day when everything will be smoke

Wednesday, March 27, 2019


कहने को हम पास है पर
कितनी दूरी है
ये भी कैसी मज़बूरी है
तुमसे हमदर्दी भी
नहीं कर सकता मैं
मेरे बस की बात नहीं है
मैं ये बहते आंसू पोंछू
उतनी मेरी औकात नहीं है
मै भी यहीं हूँ
तुम भी यहीं हो
पर सच ये है
मैं हूं कहीं
तुम और कहीं
कहने को हम पास है पर
कितनी दूरी है
ये भी कैसी मज़बूरी है