Friday, July 27, 2018

I am I

I do my thing.
You do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations.
You are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are You.
I am I.

If by chance we find each other,
it’s beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped.
I lack love for myself
when, in any attempt to please you, I betray myself.
I lack love for you
when I try to make you be the way I want
instead of accepting you the way you really are.

You are You and I am I.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


નાહક કરીયે આપણે યુદ્ધ
મારે મન તો હુંય બુદ્ધ ને તુંય બુદ્ધ

હેમુ બુદ્ધુ 

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


💓प्रेम किया नहीं जाता!💓

प्रेम तो 
मन के भीतर
अपने आप 
अंकुरित होने वाली 
भावना है। 

प्रेम के 
अंकुरित होने पर 
मन के अंदर 
घृणा के लिए 
कोई जगह 
नहीं होगी। 

हम सबकी 
एक ही तकलीफ है। 
हम सोचते हैं कि 
हमसे कोई 
प्रेम नहीं करता। 

कोई नहीं सोचता 
कि प्रेम 
दूसरों से लेने की 
चीज नहीं है, 

यह देने की चीज है। 

हम प्रेम देते हैं! 
यदि शैतान से 
प्रेम करोगे तो 
वह भी प्रेम का 
हाथ बढ़ाएगा। 

हमारे ही मन के अंदर 
प्रेम करने का 
अहंकार भरा है। 

इसलिए हम 
प्रेम नहीं करते, 
प्रेम करने का 
नाटक करते हैं !!


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Are we hypocrites?

Once a person was too hungry, his family was also starving. He was caught by the store keeper, as he tried to snatch bread and biscuits from the store. People started to judge his act of burglary, he was lynched by the mob.

The same mob was discussing we should support Party B as they did only few scams of worth 500 millions, against the Party A as they have looted in 1000 billions. If there is a comparision of burglary in terms of amount then why the burglar of 100 pennies is lynched???

That's not the matter of small or big thief, but it's the matter of chance. Burglar is just a burglar, can't be small or large. It's the matter of person's dignity. The small thief is small just because he never got large chance to rob. One should not try to protect or favour them just because other person did big robbery.

Be the change, you wish to see in the world, stop hypocrisy.