Sunday, February 18, 2024

Breathe & Smile

Dear friend,

Remember, peace here doesn't mean to sit like statue. The word peace is like cardboard, tasteless. 

Being peace is to live in this moment. No strings connected to past or future. Drop the past means, just don't get over burdened and remain stressed. Drop future doesn't mean we will not buy the ticket for tomorrow, but we should not board the train mentally today. 

Live in the moment is very simple but small practices.

Like when we take a bite of roti from dish, watch peacefully like slow motion. From dish to roti touch the lips. Then chew it with smile, enjoy the chewing and we can feel the juices in the mouth. 

Like when we shower, feel each drop of water dropping on body. Each body part should be touched and reamin full of gratitude. Even while cleaning the body, towel should be touched gentaly. Hang the towel with such gratitude, as that helped us. Put on the clothes mindfully and be thankful to them too. That should not become habit, but every moement should be mindful.

Like when we walk, walk peacefully. When bottom of the feet touch the ground feel it. While drinking water, feel every gulp going inside. While sitting be mindful that body is sitting and feel it. While talking be mindful, smile and speak to maintain the energy. 

That awareness should be every moment, but shouldn't drop the idea if missing that so frequently. Like we fall down in mud we get up and clean ourself and keep walking. Same way, every moment we will drop it, but whenever we realise just breathe and smile.

Defintely everyone think they breathe and smile. But that is robotic. Breathe in should be slow, long and deep. Even breathe out should be slow and mindful. 

There is much more to share but words will be same like cardboard, tasteless. For each word I have to write 'means' and those means having their own 'means'. Sitting like statue is hazardous, sit mindfully. For each word we need to explain, that is why all failed and misinterpreted. Though when someone explore the taste, try to narrate.....

I shared with someone, that person tried an hour and shared there is no peace. Miss the concept, mindfull breathing should be itself joyous, don't entagle mind in peace of FUTURE. Mindful breathing means show gratitude to the nature, to the cosmos that you are still alive.

Breathe and Smile

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