Monday, June 26, 2023

Antibiotic - a robo soldier

Antibiotic is most commonly used drug over the world. For most diseases antibiotic is the part of doctors' prescription.

Antibiotic is used to protect against some bacterial infection in the body. But it is like robo soldier, which is trained to kill moving objects. That cannot justify that is innocent or influencer. After taking antibiotics for a long time, we loose good bacteria in our body. Then lot of other issues start occuring in the body. Like body ache, head ache, stomach issuses, eye sight problems, joint pains, low immunity, gastro, indigestion etc.

Let us focus on one the general case studies.

Why we urban people are vitamin B12 deficient? Either vegetarian, non-vegetarial or vegan that doesn't mater, most urbanized people found B12 deficient.

There is a catch, We Humans can only absorb B12 in our small intestines. So bacteria present in the small intestine make whatever quantity of B12, We can only absorb that. And we can't absorb B12 made by large intestine bacteria. That's why human stool contains a lot of B12 and which is made in the large intestine but does not get absorbed at all.

When we take antibiotics, it will kill small intestine bacteria first. 

Most deifcient people are urbanized. Rural inhabitants are used to play or work in soil, which help to restore the good bacteria directly from the soil. Urban people can do one thing, to help the body, is to start walking barefooted daily on soil (not on asphalt road). To take more advantage make if more frequent or whenever you get a chance. Change habits of always wearing shoes.

This is just one case, there are bunch of side effects of drugs we are taking. When we come to know, it is alaredy late alarm. Please avoid to take drugs without serious need. In case of any infection and body pain, first resolution is to take rest and empty your stomach.

Like we all know, when computer or mobile got hang. First we do restart and clean up useless data. Before going to the repair station we prefer to do home remedies.

Have a joyous life.

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