Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Sitting in meditation position, is just to understand, that nothing will happen by sitting at one place physically for long time.

After sharing this thought, lot people agree, by just sitting at a place cannot do anything. But missing the word "physically". While sitting in temple we are running through whole market, office, home, friends..... That's why sitting at one place is not helping us. 

"But sitting at a place is the beginning of journey."

Let us try to understand other way, by going to the primary school one cannot be certified as an engineer or a doctor. Also all students going to the school are not getting the same. There, our teachers and parents teach us to focus on study to do better. The students, focus more on one subject they got good marks in it. But meditation and focus are two different things. Focusing on  one thing we can be master in it, but by understanding oneness of everything is meditation.

The student going to primary, learn 'A' stands for 'Apple', that is just symbolic.  Over the life person doesn't read like that 'A' for 'Apple'.  The adult person now recognize 'A'  and it is not only apple. But if we explain 'A' for 'Apple',  'A' for 'Aeroplane', 'A' for 'Awkward'..... that will be difficult for the child in primary. 

Same way sitting at a place is like 'A' for 'Apple' who is going to start the journey. Once person will pass through he will understand 'A' is not only 'Apple'. 

Now what is 'A' in the journey of meditation?

One has to explore by self, but just trying to share the blueprint. When we start sitting, our mind will start playing with us. It will show us there is lot of work pending, cannot sit like this for long time. But just try to recall, while we are doing our work, the same mind tell us "you did a lot,  you need a break". Is there a day in life when we didn't do anything? Is there a day in life when we have completed everything and nothing remaing to do? As we finish one, next is in queue, always. 

Even if we don't listen to mind and continue sitting, mind will play other tricks. That is also the experience of everyone. We get itching all of sudden on different parts of our body. That insist us to move the body. Though, if we sit wihout movement and focus on the area with pain it stop paining and start at some other place. By practicing to sit at a place without movement, one has to understand the impermanent nature of the things. This is 'A' for 'Apple'. Once the person understand everything is impermanent, primary education is done. 

Now one has to apply in life. Just remember the huge problem of the life, that moment we scattered, collapsed and felt that is the end. Remember the happiest moment of the life, we waited for long time, that passed too.  Here we have to understand the impermanent nature of everything.

After education, some 'A'  could be 'Astronaut', some 'A' could be 'Accountant'...... Presentaions may differ but 'A' will remain 'A'. That's why we can see Krishna is dancing, Buddhas are sharing in different way, Kabir is singing, Meera is praying. Just because here person cannot say what happen.

Remember this is just an information for readers, and information is not an experience. Remember this is just beginners information too, the ocean is too deep inside.

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