Friday, August 30, 2019


Everyone is running to insure the life of thyself or whom they love. Once get the isurance policy people start feeling safe. When one is sick or dead others can claim the money from insurance company. What to do with money when person is not well or not with you.

My belief is to lovesurance instead of insurance. Take care of the person when he or she is with you. By all mean just be with them, love them a lot. Keep your money aside and fill the life with love.

If you spend at least an hour with the one whom you love, could be anyone a mother, father, wife, brother, sister, kids...... that will not give you monetary rewards. But just happy momemnts. You may spend an hour to make money too, but those millions can't return the time you passed. And the day you are not with that person, what will you do with you money.

Saying I love you, get medical insurance of crores covered by death claim, wathcing movies, taking dinner in 5 stars, dimonds, gold, expensive apparel...... all these are pseudo means of love.

Instead of saying I love you, just care for them. Care is not to be pussasive but let them fly with confidence that if they fall you will be there. Instead of covering them with insurances cover them with the warmth of your love. Take care the way they don't need to go for medical treatments. Take care for their food, help them to take rest, help them to be peaceful..... Instead of watching movies sit with them in utter serenity, just look into their eyes and without uttering a single word let them feel how special he or she is. Instead of dinner at 5 star prepare something normal with your all love and have it under million stars. No dimonds, no gold...... nothing.... just hug with all your presence and let them fell how special they are.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Light of love

Night cancels the business of the day,
inertia recharges the mind.
Then the day cancels the night,
and inertia disappears in the light.
Though we rest and sleep in the dark,
doesn't the dark contain the water of life?
Be refreshed in the darkness.
Doesn't a moment of silence 
restore beauty of the voice?
Opposites manifests through opposites:
in the black core of the heart
God created the eternal light of love.

Monday, August 12, 2019

The one day.....

Dust to dust....
One day I will be disappered,
Where would I go then?
I will be here only,
In this air,
In these oceans,
If you have loved me,
If you have faith on me,
You will feel me everywhere
In your noble silence,
Sudden you will see my presence...

Ever wait for, the One Day!


jab main vida ho jaunga
main kahan jaa sakata hu
main yahi rahunga,
hawao main, sagaro main
yadi tumane muje prem kiya hai
yadi tumane mujpe bharosa kiya hai
to tum muzhe hazaro roop me anubhav karoge
apane maun kshano main,
achanak tum meri upasthiti ka anubhav karoge

Friday, August 9, 2019

Saying I love you is Stupidity

When I heard about making proposal of love, I thought how someone can do this? How someone can do love?

One can walk, one can talk, one can swim...... because these are the activities. But Love is the godly phenomena, it is the essence, it is the being. Yes, one can be Love but can't do Love. Proposal itself is the word of commerce, an activity of buying and selling, and activity of profit and loss. Love has nothing to do with profit or loss.

One can Love anyone, there is no need to say "I Love You". Sun rises and flowers start blossomming, when the flowers feel the warmth, The Sun never need to say anything. Love is a feeling, which is warm enough to be felt. Love is not a heat, it won't burn the things, neither lover nor beloved.

"I Love You.", seems like a full statement, but in deep meaning it is a question. One is asking "Do you Love me?". Otherwise no need to say "I Love You.". Who stopped you to being loving? Love as much as you can, don't afraid, just get destroyed. One day everyone has to be dust, better to blossom like garden of roses, just be the ocean of Love. There are people who are thirsty, there are people who are seeking for the warmth of true Love. Let them jump into, let them dwell into, be the part of that joyous.

The proposol will assassinate Love, it will stale the Love. Let it blossom, let the aroma spread. There is no need to say anything, Love will grow in utter silence, both souls will dwell into eachother and remain one only. There is no possibility of two.

Love is God.