Monday, March 6, 2023


Nirvana is state of mind.

The moment passed without complains or regressions, in that moment person taste the Niravana. Everyone taste this, there is no copy right of anyone special. 

The problem is the more we grow we keep filling ourself with greed, regressions and complains. Being a child there is no complains, that's why the growth of mind and body is on peak. Sometime we see child complain but in real it is not creating mental block for them, they forget and move ahead. That is also learned from parents, family and society. Over the time complains become nature, it will be constant complaining nature. That seems to natural, no one can identify.

- It's too cold this year.

- It's too hot this year.

- It's raining a lot this year or this year rain is not good.

- Blue looks good, but it should be little dark blue.

- Pink is good, but it should little light pink.

- He looks good but doesn't have clothing sense.

These are just few example on figer tips. We could not accept the things as it is. Even in our likes we keep finding dislikes.

This sudo nature of complain makes our life painful. Childhood is passed to grow adult. Adults are claiming the childhood days were beautiful.

Though there are some moments we forget the things and touch the apex of Niravana, the peace, the joy. But we never tasted and no one teach us what it is so we miss that.

Like we are travelling, if someone not inform us your destination arrived, we could miss it. Like from childhood we are taught, how money can help us to buy the things, so we keep collecting money.

Sameway, if someone can teach us about these moments, we can start collecting them too. 

Come out of anykind of complains. Remove all questions from life with 'Why'. Just accept as it is. If someone is doing corruption, if someone is not good. Just let them be as they are, they are accepted by the almight, who we are to be the judge for them.

Sameway, come out of all regressions. Things are happening here. We cannot do anything. If something happen good just accept that happen, show grattitude to the nature for it's beauty. If something happen which we feel bad, show grattitude to the mature for it's beauty.

Like we are going to office, car fail to start and we couldn't reach to office. We feel bad, but what if office building collapse that day? This second event is very near to first event so we will feel good. But sometime second event is far in future which we cannot connect and we keep complaining.

Ages ago when science was not developed, Pregnancy was the mystery. After male female mating, that took 6 months for baby bump. No one could imagine how that happened. 

So, just let the things happen. No need to change anything. Not even self, by following someone. Just accept the self and others too. Everything is natural. Just understand the oneness of the cosmos.

Keep collecting the Nirvana moments like money and be rich. There could be multiple ways ahead, but first start with this small change and doors will be opened automatically.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Learn to live....

Society says, learn to live social life.

Sadguru says, learn to live alone.

Both are equally right. Though hard to find joyous human beings with Sadguru or with Society.

Because, when they say - learn to live. It is like saying the fish - learn to swim.

In deep missing the essence of life.  Either living alone or living in society, life is always there. 

Each individual is not different, just to call them easily we name or label but in root everything is life. According to science definition, all breathing things are living rest is dead. But all living things made out of non living or dead. 

So, in root everything is life here. We can not choose one and drop one. The whole cosmos is one ,  right understanding is to learn that oneness. Without understanding of oneness either living as social animal or as Sanyasi , it will be always away from life.

The fish has to come out of small ponds of caste, creeds, colours, nations…… to the infinite ocean of universe.

Still I feel I cannot narrate or explain what I mean to share. 

Feelings can be tried to share in words but words doesn’t have any feeling.

Saturday, February 18, 2023


 Why Jesus opt to die?

The person who was perparing to hang 3 persons including Jesus, asked Jesus to show some miracle and prove he is son of God. 

Over the life Jesus cured lot of people from diseases miraculously, but that day he opt to die. He didn't prefer to show some miracle and save the life.

Why Buddha opt to die?

The last food taken by Buddha, become the cause of death. That was warm welcome by one of devotees of Buddha for meal. That person was poor labour. He served the food separately to Buddha, other desciples were there with Buddha but they didn't have that food offered to Buddha. 

Budha find the food was poisonous, but he finished the food lovingly. He didn't prefer to reject the food and save the life.

Why Krishna opt to leave Mathura?

After death of Kansa, Krishna became emperor of the kingdom. After being a king he found certain things were not right under his rule. 

Though he was not doing it worng, he was being the cause of the issues in the kingdom. Inspite of choosing to be king, Krishna opt to leave the kingdom, that labelled him 'Ranchhod' - the person who escape himself from battlefield.

Why Mansoor opt to die?

Mansoor was mahomedan saint, who said 'Anal al Haq' - equivalent to Krishana - Aham Brahmāsmi. That means I am the devine or I am the ultimate truth. Pleople asked him to apologize and take his statement back otherwise he will be publicly assassinated.

Instead of begging for life, Mansoor prefer to die. While his legs were cut, he was smiling.

Why Rabia cut the line from Quran - Hate the evil?

Quran is holistic book, in the book somewhere it depicts 'hate the evil'. If any chnage will be done by anyone in Quran the society will be against. 

Instead of having fear she opted to remove that life from Quran. 

J Krishnamurthy, Kabir, Dadu, Farid, Guru Nanak, Narsinh Mehta, Meera Bai, Raidas, Shri Arvind, Lao Tzu............ The sky is full of stars. 

All these flower blossom in a way - the whole universe become aromatic. 

We are nothing less then them as a flower bud, but we miss the journey of bud to flower. We miss the journey of blossoming.

'Why' can be answered by books, spiritual gurus.... but until unless it could be experienced it is just an information. 

I am feeling blessed and grateful to God, for adminring me. I just got the glimpses of becoming a flower, and excited about the journey. 

खूबसूरत हो अगर रास्ते

तो मंज़िलो की फ़िक्र कौन करता है

इश्क़ है जिसे गहराई से 

तो किनारो पे कौन मरता है 

These are my thoughts only, not to hurt anyone, if so then my sincere apology for them.

Monday, July 11, 2022


 A father said to his daughter

"You just graduated, this is a car I bought a while ago... It is a few years old. But before I give it, take it to a car dealer in the city and sell it , see how much they offer.”

The girl came back to her father and said: "They offered 1000 euros because it looks very old"

The father said: Hold it and take it to the 2nd hand car dealer.
The girl returns to her father and says: "The pawn shop offered 100 euros because it is a very old car and lots of investments are needed to drive it again"

The father asked his daughter to join a passionate car club with experts and show them the car.

The girl drove the car to the passionate car club, turned and said to her father: “Some people in the club offered me 100,000 euros because it is a rare car that is in good condition, with great capabilities and super difficult to find.”

Then the father said, "I wanted to let you know that you are not worth anything if you are not in the right place."

If you are not appreciated, do not be angry, that means you are in the wrong place. "Don't stay in a place where no one sees your value."