Thursday, December 3, 2015

Important things to teach your child.

  1. To Swim.
  2. Getting rid of stage fright.
  3. A Sport.
  4. Teach more than 4 languages.
  5. A musical instrument.
  6. Watch sensible movies.
  7. Respect women. ("Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata, yatraitaastu na pujyante sarvaastatrafalaah kriyaah"which means Where women are honored, divinity blossoms there, and where women are dishonored, all action no matter how noble remain unfruitful.)
  8. Respect a person based on their character rather than their age.
  9. How to know whether a person is sexually abusing them.
  10. How to fight a sexual abuse.
  11. Listen to your heart.
  12. Travel a lot.
  13. Meet people.
  14. DO not trust people easily/very fast.
  15. Never bow down if you are not wrong.
  16. Help the Helpless.
  17. Read books.
  18. Respect a person's ideas and privacy.
  19. No matter what; be honest to the person you love.
  20. Value of Health, relationships, time and money. 
  21. When they fail to do something, they must strive hard to achieve it rather than cribbing about it.
* Source : Unknown 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Love has no definition

Love is essence which is completely insane. With sense no one can do love, with sense one can be a good businessman. One can't let be to one only. Love is endless, it is phenomenal, no one can stop the flow of the love. If one can control, bind or stop it then how it could be .... I have never seen one can block the blossoming flower, when sun rises, That's the love. I have never seen someone block river running toward ocean, that's love. When you stop, that's all dead.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Man vs Woman

Women are loosing their uniqueness by following mob. Always trying to prove that women can do everything what men can do, but in real women are loosing their own identity in this race. Women are not created to do all what men can, but to do what men can't.

Patriotic Indians

I Love My India.... I am not saying that, this is the statement of the people living outside of India. I am not saying that because my love is not reserved. Love is flawless, it is a flow which can't be bounded. 

Birds and butterflies can only fly because they are flawless, they are not patriotic they don't have borders. I have never seen white-bellied sea eagles are chanting for love to Australia when they move Australia to India. They can fly who are not patriotic but nature lovers. 

But we are smart enough, leaving India for dollars and luxurious life. Keeping away ourselves from social boundaries. I don't find anything wrong with that, just fly like a bird to stay where do you like to. But after that they are keenly interested to show their love for the country. 

India and Indian government sucks, nothing will happen to India. It is easy to observe and comment as spectator from pavilion, But they are not in pavilion, they love to watch and enjoy remotely. Now a days India has new question for 'Reservation'. This patriotic NRIs sending fund to the Indian organization to fight against the government. My dear friends if you are really interested then why don't you spend those money to start educational institutes for the economical backward students. Instead of asking them to beg for reservation ask them to stand up and work hard. That's waht Shri Vivekananda said 'Arise Awake and don't stop till the goal is achieved'. Please stop the politics of making the Indian youth beggar and spineless.