Friday, November 6, 2015

Patriotic Indians

I Love My India.... I am not saying that, this is the statement of the people living outside of India. I am not saying that because my love is not reserved. Love is flawless, it is a flow which can't be bounded. 

Birds and butterflies can only fly because they are flawless, they are not patriotic they don't have borders. I have never seen white-bellied sea eagles are chanting for love to Australia when they move Australia to India. They can fly who are not patriotic but nature lovers. 

But we are smart enough, leaving India for dollars and luxurious life. Keeping away ourselves from social boundaries. I don't find anything wrong with that, just fly like a bird to stay where do you like to. But after that they are keenly interested to show their love for the country. 

India and Indian government sucks, nothing will happen to India. It is easy to observe and comment as spectator from pavilion, But they are not in pavilion, they love to watch and enjoy remotely. Now a days India has new question for 'Reservation'. This patriotic NRIs sending fund to the Indian organization to fight against the government. My dear friends if you are really interested then why don't you spend those money to start educational institutes for the economical backward students. Instead of asking them to beg for reservation ask them to stand up and work hard. That's waht Shri Vivekananda said 'Arise Awake and don't stop till the goal is achieved'. Please stop the politics of making the Indian youth beggar and spineless.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Be a master

I am ready to be your slave but you shouldn't try to be my master. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


With black hair and shiny eyes when I was watching movies I thought to get justice is easy like ordering bread butter and to have it in a minute.

But now, when hair is turning grey and eyes getting blurry I found that path to justice is pitch dark. Victory of truth is only in fairytales.

Monday, October 5, 2015


My soul friend asked me a question, "What is the GOAL of your life?".

For one moment I was astounded, because the question came from soul friend. But at the second moment I replied :

My life has no GOAL, Life is itself a GOL(loop). From where the journey begins, stops at the same place again. I think there should not a GOAL of the life, GOAL is the object what you achieve, get satisfied and.... full stop. But full stop seems to be dead, if we block the running water into a tank then it will be malicious one day. So, we should not create and stop at such GOAL. Just enjoy the full journey.

Life is just joyful journey from circumference to the center. One should keep doing what he loves to do with open heart. Get ready to accept the changes, because nothing is permanent. 5 or 10 year kid making GOAL of being doctor, pilot.... doesn't know what will happen after 20 years. These kids will be just like Robots coded by their parents, nothing more than that. 

The way we as a parents set the GOAL of kids, just trying to make the great carbon copies. Carbon copy of the existing or non existing legends of the world. But, how the carbon copy could be as good as original!! Just let them to grow natural, as an original, that will be the real revolution. 

A Gardner's responsibility is to water the plants, but he can't control the direction of the branches. He could not control the colors of the leaves, he could not control the time for blossoming of flowers. 

So, no GOAL my friend. Just be natural, original......just be yourself.