Friday, May 6, 2022

Human - Human is a habit.

I am just studying my routine. I am just studying people's actions and their behavior. Just came to know that we all are habits only, nothing more than that.

Someone is chanting or praying twice a day, Someone is praying 5 times a day.

Someone is smoking twice a day, Someone is chain smoker.

I heard that if someone does not pray in the morning, he doesn't feel good over the day. The same thing happens to a smoker, doesn't feel good if he doesn't smoke.

Someone's like is unlike for else.

So there is no value in the object, that is what we impose on the things as per our habits. 

If we don't teach the human child what he is, there is no chance he will come to know about his caste, creed, race, or religion. If old people around a child, don't express good or bad, like or dislike then the child couldn't have specific interest or disinterest. Of course, the child will have his/her own authentic likes and dislikes, but that would be more natural and not imposed. Like some children start eating soil or chalks, that is natural, their body is seeking calcium, and without education, they get the source of calcium. But the whole society will start teaching, that eating soil is not good. Stopping the child to do something natural. So that is the beginning of killing the natural innocence. 

When a child is a teenager, there are hormonal changes in his body, that he/she couldn't understand. No one teaches or guides him/her about the changes, or what is happening to the body? They feel orgasm and society portrays that as a sin. Now it is very difficult to understand for the child, what to do? 

After certain age stops doing new things and adopting new things. Just remain a Habit.

That veteran starts the new generation and starts delivering the habits. 

Some Buddhas break these vicious circles of habits and start journeys in search of self.

Real freedom is to understand that we are habits and to come out of them.