There are courses and therapies are available on Anger Management in the market. If we really understand what then we won't do that course or won't take such therapy.
Let us understand 'Management'. Money management is fine, because that way we can accumulate money. That can help us to be wealthy person. Now if we are doing Anger management we will be angry man. So basically we will become more and more angry by such management.
Anger is natural element, we just need to develop right understanding. We should not feel guilty even after getting angry. Take the anger as fire, and think who is burning in anger. We loose our sense, struck with objects or fell down or meet with an accident... total our own loss.
In most cases we get angry just because the thing happened is not according to what we thought or not according to our expectation. Now if that unexpected task done by ourselves, we won't be that angry. But if someone else than we will be angry. Some time we get angry because someone is angry on us. Now think if there is a fire in house, what we will do? We will use water to extinguish fire not petrol. Petrol will help to get whole house in fire. Wise person will use water. Now think, if you are wise than you will be cool and calm to extinguish fire of anger, when someone is angry.
This attitude will help the things to settle soon. Furthermore, we will have chance to explain the details later on. If we will show anger in response, then we are loosing the chance.
The best technique to achieve such awareness, is meditation. We can find lot of things in market about meditation. Most time it could be misleading or not helpful. Misleading means the information delivered to us from unauthorized sources, who never experienced and just collected information from others and sharing or selling in the market. Not helpful means the information is on higher degree, we couldn't understand or don't work for us. A small child can access the books of trigonometry or Biology but he couldn't understand, and that couldn't help to learn.
So, for the freshers who are new into meditation the first step is to learn to sit peacefully. Yes, like toddlers should start from kinder garden, they can't go to university directly. Spend time in a day for self to sit peacefully at one place. Start with 5 mins or 10 mins, then we can increase the time. There is no need to sit in any specific position. There is no need to stop thinking. There is no need for chanting. Yes, just sit.
Don't worry about anger, let it be natural. If we are in darkness, we cannot stop darkness to let the light come in. We cannot throw the darkness out to let the light come in. We can light the candle and darkness is gone. So, there is no need to work on anger. Peace is the candle, just put it and darkness is gone. When we learn to sit peacefully without any task for long time, the darkness of anger will be disappeared.
Even if sitting is becoming difficult then dance, paint, sing,... something we can do alone. Dance is the closest form to be more closer to nature. Dance till the body get down by itself. There is no specific method for one, each one can find their own to relax. Just keep repeating, like water is cutting the stone - drop by drop.
Nature is always with us, just we need to move toward nature.