तुम बस शुद्ध हो जाओ
बुद्ध तो तुम हो ही
Yes we all are born buddha. The whole system of nature can create only buddhas. But the whole system designed by humans are ruining those nature's creations. The society, the education system... everything is killing the soul all the time.
Born Buddhas are like raw material, which has equal potential to be. It is same like only coal has potential to be the dimond. Or, gold can be extracted only after passing through heat.
बुद्ध तो तुम हो ही
Yes we all are born buddha. The whole system of nature can create only buddhas. But the whole system designed by humans are ruining those nature's creations. The society, the education system... everything is killing the soul all the time.
Born Buddhas are like raw material, which has equal potential to be. It is same like only coal has potential to be the dimond. Or, gold can be extracted only after passing through heat.