Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Traditional marriage arrangement in india

I find it incredibly, incredibly, incredibly shallow.

1. The Groom's 'Qualities':
The man has to list down his salary (even the breakdown is necessary in some cases), any investments, details on a flat/plot he owns, the rent he might get out of it, his future intent to purchase and invest in other things, etc. His worth is pretty much reduced to the salary he is drawing and I find that ridiculous (the men can feel free to elaborate on this, this is my perspective so far).
Nice guys with interesting stories but with a low pay package will not be preferred.

2. The Bride's 'Qualities':
The woman is expected to send across her best looking photo where she looks pretty, slim and fair. I'm not kidding you, a friend's outfit was picked smartly by her family for patterns and colours that made her look thin, had her face caked with makeup, and she ended up looking at least 5 shades fairer than her actual skin tone. In addition, the woman might be expected to give up her career and/or relocate to where the groom works. She should also list down her expertise in various domestic duties. Her worth is reduced to how physically attractive she is, and that's despicable.
Fun, intelligent, career oriented women, but not what society would term 'pretty' will not be preferred.

3. 'Meeting' the Bride:
The whole groom's family coming to the woman's house and interviewing her as a family is freakishly scary. She gets quizzed on her education, employment, and is asked to showcase her talents. A friend had to dance in front of a random family of 12 people to show how 'marriageable' she was.
I wish I were kidding. :/

4. "You've met him twice now! Of course you're ready to get married!":
To top it all, parents think if the man and woman go on 2 -3 dates, they would understand each other completely and then they can spend their lives happily ever after.
Seriously, how can you make a decision of selecting the partner you want to spend the rest of your life with in just a few dates? (sometimes, it's not even that, it's even fewer meetings, and only in the presence of the families, and in many rural areas in India, partners meet each other only on their wedding day)

5. Diving from Honeymoon Period to Marriage:
And, and, in all those meetings of the partner and their families, you're going to be on your best behaviour, and everyone will generally consider you very likeable. But what happens when the honeymoon period passes? Those are real things you need to look into. I know of at least 4 marriages where the guy has come to India for a 3-week vacation from his job in the U.S., seen a girl, got engaged, got married in the second week, wrapped it all in the final week and went back to the U.S. The girls stayed back, either to live with his family, or applied for their Visas to join their husbands. This is a guy they've known for 3 weeks. Literally.

Of course, we can say that we're shallow when girls want a rich boyfriend and guys want a hot girlfriend in daily examples too, but that's still a personal preference. These things may/may not change as the relationship grows or may not apply at all if you get attracted to someone who doesn't possess those qualities. But in arranged marriages, these are prerequisites.

I knew guys who liked a couple of girls they met through the marriage broker, but their mothers rejected them because they weren't fair enough. Even if there is space for change of the shallow prerequisites, we're ensuring that it doesn't happen.

And ugh, the idea of your picture and profile being printed on a monthly book and a website that lists ALL your details like place of work, salary, where your parents work, their salaries, details on your siblings, their marriage/employment status, etc. bothers me. A lot. It's not like online dating profiles where you could list interests and test compatibility. Here, it's filled with enough details for even the most shallow marriage to take place. Salary and photographs are all there is.

Also, the whole dowry thing and bride's-family-funding-the-wedding thing is quite prevalent in India, even in the higher economic strata. Though it's found across both love and arranged marriages, it's almost expected in many arranged marriages.

Yes, there are plenty of successful arranged marriages who have their love stories and I have nothing against couples who have arranged marriages, it's just not a school of thought that I subscribe to. Spending 3 dates with me and 3 years with me are two completely different things. It's the shallowness of the ordeal and the way the men's and women's self esteem gets attacked repeatedly by not just the partner, but by their families as well, that makes arranged marriage something that I just can't wrap my head around.

Source : Unknown

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Important things to teach your child.

  1. To Swim.
  2. Getting rid of stage fright.
  3. A Sport.
  4. Teach more than 4 languages.
  5. A musical instrument.
  6. Watch sensible movies.
  7. Respect women. ("Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata, yatraitaastu na pujyante sarvaastatrafalaah kriyaah"which means Where women are honored, divinity blossoms there, and where women are dishonored, all action no matter how noble remain unfruitful.)
  8. Respect a person based on their character rather than their age.
  9. How to know whether a person is sexually abusing them.
  10. How to fight a sexual abuse.
  11. Listen to your heart.
  12. Travel a lot.
  13. Meet people.
  14. DO not trust people easily/very fast.
  15. Never bow down if you are not wrong.
  16. Help the Helpless.
  17. Read books.
  18. Respect a person's ideas and privacy.
  19. No matter what; be honest to the person you love.
  20. Value of Health, relationships, time and money. 
  21. When they fail to do something, they must strive hard to achieve it rather than cribbing about it.
* Source : Unknown 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Love has no definition

Love is essence which is completely insane. With sense no one can do love, with sense one can be a good businessman. One can't let be to one only. Love is endless, it is phenomenal, no one can stop the flow of the love. If one can control, bind or stop it then how it could be .... I have never seen one can block the blossoming flower, when sun rises, That's the love. I have never seen someone block river running toward ocean, that's love. When you stop, that's all dead.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Man vs Woman

Women are loosing their uniqueness by following mob. Always trying to prove that women can do everything what men can do, but in real women are loosing their own identity in this race. Women are not created to do all what men can, but to do what men can't.

Patriotic Indians

I Love My India.... I am not saying that, this is the statement of the people living outside of India. I am not saying that because my love is not reserved. Love is flawless, it is a flow which can't be bounded. 

Birds and butterflies can only fly because they are flawless, they are not patriotic they don't have borders. I have never seen white-bellied sea eagles are chanting for love to Australia when they move Australia to India. They can fly who are not patriotic but nature lovers. 

But we are smart enough, leaving India for dollars and luxurious life. Keeping away ourselves from social boundaries. I don't find anything wrong with that, just fly like a bird to stay where do you like to. But after that they are keenly interested to show their love for the country. 

India and Indian government sucks, nothing will happen to India. It is easy to observe and comment as spectator from pavilion, But they are not in pavilion, they love to watch and enjoy remotely. Now a days India has new question for 'Reservation'. This patriotic NRIs sending fund to the Indian organization to fight against the government. My dear friends if you are really interested then why don't you spend those money to start educational institutes for the economical backward students. Instead of asking them to beg for reservation ask them to stand up and work hard. That's waht Shri Vivekananda said 'Arise Awake and don't stop till the goal is achieved'. Please stop the politics of making the Indian youth beggar and spineless.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Be a master

I am ready to be your slave but you shouldn't try to be my master. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015


With black hair and shiny eyes when I was watching movies I thought to get justice is easy like ordering bread butter and to have it in a minute.

But now, when hair is turning grey and eyes getting blurry I found that path to justice is pitch dark. Victory of truth is only in fairytales.

Monday, October 5, 2015


My soul friend asked me a question, "What is the GOAL of your life?".

For one moment I was astounded, because the question came from soul friend. But at the second moment I replied :

My life has no GOAL, Life is itself a GOL(loop). From where the journey begins, stops at the same place again. I think there should not a GOAL of the life, GOAL is the object what you achieve, get satisfied and.... full stop. But full stop seems to be dead, if we block the running water into a tank then it will be malicious one day. So, we should not create and stop at such GOAL. Just enjoy the full journey.

Life is just joyful journey from circumference to the center. One should keep doing what he loves to do with open heart. Get ready to accept the changes, because nothing is permanent. 5 or 10 year kid making GOAL of being doctor, pilot.... doesn't know what will happen after 20 years. These kids will be just like Robots coded by their parents, nothing more than that. 

The way we as a parents set the GOAL of kids, just trying to make the great carbon copies. Carbon copy of the existing or non existing legends of the world. But, how the carbon copy could be as good as original!! Just let them to grow natural, as an original, that will be the real revolution. 

A Gardner's responsibility is to water the plants, but he can't control the direction of the branches. He could not control the colors of the leaves, he could not control the time for blossoming of flowers. 

So, no GOAL my friend. Just be natural, original......just be yourself.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Women empowerment

Everyone is shouting in India for women empowerment. Decades and decades passed, but these movements are vain. Because no one is really interested in real. Sometime it seems not even women are interested.

Everyone knows Sunny Leone, she started career in Bollywood as an actress and becomes celebrity. Being celebrity is not an issue but why society cannot accept relationship of a normal girl. If they can accept Sunny as a star then why a normal girl having relationship with any boy becomes hot issue in society!!!

Yes, males are dominant, they will always prefer to rule females. Why should we blame only males for this kind of social attitude!! Mother or mother in law, being women they can't move on with relationship of a daughter or daughter in law.

'PAA' movie got permission for tax free to get political mileage from Bachhan. Most of the movies in 2015 entered in 100 crores club. But who heard about movie 'Masaan', where director tried to depict the real picture of Indian Women.

Masaan movie tells the story of a girl who was spotted by police in such condition with her boyfriend. The guy commits suicide because of the social exposure threat. Cops had pictures of the girl and started blackmailing her for money.

If Sunny can be superstar in our so called oldest Hindu Society then what was the threat for the guy and girl????

What is meditation?


Meditation is not about to stop listening the world
Meditation is to do what you love. The dancer doesn't miss a single step though thousands of people are shouting and huge sound of music around him. Meditation is not about to practice, it is all about to live. When you don't feel any distraction in whatever you do, you are in mental meditation state.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Be steady

Only steady water can give you real reflection without distortion. So just be still, steady and calm to decide you way. Agitation will create disturbance and become an hurdle.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Never lose your invaluable life for small happiness

A beggar found a most expensive diamond without knowing the value of it, he strapped it in the ear of his donkey. A diamond dealer was watching this, and approached him, "give this stone and I will pay you the money you demand". He said "pay me a rupee and keep the stone". Diamond dealer thought of getting it cheaper, "A rupee is too much, I will pay 50paise". The beggar said, "no worries, let the stone be in my Donkey's ear" and started walking. Diamond dealer thought that the beggar will give it to him for 50paise anyway. 

Meanwhile, another diamond dealer bought that stone for 1000 rupees from the begger. The first diamond dealer was shocked and shouted at the beggar "Oh idiot! You just sold the diamonds worth crores, for a thousand and you walk happily." 

The beggar laughed after listening to him, "Who is the idiot here? I do not know the real value of the diamond, so i sold it for a thousand which is a big money for me. But you know its worth and yet you lost it for 50paise. How stupid!!"

Moral : Never lose your invaluable life for small happiness