Monday, October 14, 2024



The art of living,

When some song's becomes popular, it's soothening music behind and people listen for ages. A common man listen only few instruments which sounds loud. But there are bunch of small instruments which is creating more beauty that we cannot listen. And the real artist is listening the peace between two musical notes. If that peace is not proper then music will become headache. The space between the musical notes are to decorate the musical notes. One has to develop the skills to listen.

The day we start listening we will listen the voices of our closed ones who are peacefully crying or some time shouting, or sometime the dry eyes sharing the pain. But we cannot decode that what they want to say. Just because we can  listen the louder notes or instruments. We should learn when someone is crying or shouting, what they want to say. Both are feelings, the person is trying to say something but cannot find words for it. That come out in form of shouts or tears or just silent gestures. Words are very limited, when  the urge becomes heavy, words cannot express it. Words are just essential for commerece. 

Being peace one can listen those spaces in music, one can listen those untold words. When we learn to catch the gap between two musical notes the real music begins. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The power of smile


She was sent to buy a Loaf of Bread, but She brought the Bakery home: Her Uncle who was coming back from School saw her and took a picture and video of this Girl carrying a Loaf of Albany Bread She bought while She was running home in the mud. He captured the genuine and innocent happiness on her face. The picture went viral. People said it’s the kind of picture they would like to associate with the Bread. Soon after, the picture is all over on billboards and trucks of Albany. Albany recognised Lethukukhanya Mjaji, the beautiful 5 years old Girl that warmed South Africans with her radiant genuine smile. People requested that Albany put up a billboard with this beautiful picture. Albany responded by making physical contact with the parents. The little Girl has gotten a full education bursary till She graduates, and the single Mother has gotten a new house. The little Girl remains an Albany Bread brand ambassador for a while. A smile can work wonders in so many ways.

Smile is like H2O and Sadness is like H2O2. Just small difference of one atom wrongly connected in chain. H2O gives life while H2O2 take off the life. Be aware, no matter what circumstances around you, keep smiling.

The smallest and easiest Yoga I would like to give - 😊SMILE FOR A MILE😊. Go for a walk or sit down at place but just be aware the smile should not go away. The smile will change the chemical reactions in body. Even if you loose your legs, don't beg for it. Show your beautiful hands and how beautifully they can paint. No matter if you loose your eyes, don't beg for it. Let them listen your voice, how beautiful you can sing.

I am sharing my smile with you, you too share with someone 😊.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Dear Heart

We heard brain dead, the brain is not functioning but person is alive. We  never heard heart dead. So in real life brain is taking the charge of which he is not suppose to do. Brain is design to do mathemetical and rational decisions. But brain takes the charge of everything over the time. Why people miss the childhood? Child don't use brain, everything come out heartily. Child looks at the butterfly and be happy, he can cherish the moments of singing birds. An adult keep crying, can't see the butterfly now, can't listen the songs of birds. As much as we grow our life becomes mechanical. We can say a robot. Mind creates the malfunctioning in life. 

All other body parts like hands, legs, eyes keep doing their work without taking charge of others. Hands never try to take the charge of legs. The mind is dominating part, might be suffering from inferiority complex. Mind knows that heart is keeping him alive, so trying to potrait himself superior. While heart is submissive and living surrendered life, he knows it's value. Heart doesn't need to shout, he knows once he will stop functioning life will end. So he prefers to keep his task silently. We all know mind needs a break, always need to sleep and take rest. But not heart.

This is not the condemnation of mind. Both are equal when doing their own duties. We have to be concious and should not allow to take charge of someone who is submissive. 

Apply that in real life too. We all are different kind of body organs, and our planet is one body in the universe. We have different roles, somone might be mind and someone might be heart. When we value the success of mind in society, we are killing the heart indirectly. People who are submissive are full of heart and keep doing their work silently, so called minded people don't mind the take the advantages. But they miss that, they are killing the life. Not only humans, the rivers, the forests, the trees, the flowers all who are pumping the life on planet.

Raise your hands not to pamper them but to save them, there is no life for heart dead.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The girl - part1

Most male comenting on girl driving and pointing fingers on her driving sense. No one raise his hand to overcome from the issue. For that one should find the roots of the issue, that can only help to imporve.

A girl in childhood or teenage is  pampered by family. Not to play out, not to go out, not to drive cycle. No physical activites no mental activities. On other hand a boy is roaming out, driving cycle on streets. Childhood is the training center of human life, what he learn in childhood that remains with humans over the life. 

Romaing out is developing confidence in boys. While boys driving cycle their body and mind balanced to drive in better way. The more practice you do, more better you perform. Most girls get their personal vehicle in certain conditions like no one available to drop, taxi fair is expensive etc. That has also certain restrictions college to home or office to home. Even in young age no outing by road. And boys are hitting the road every now and then. 

How a primary student will compete the graduate?

There is no reason to laugh at them. Be with them and help them to improve. Boys might not be good at chopping vegetables or cooking, but they take their stand as it's not boys job. But that is not the fact, it's just they are not trained to do that.

Running the campaigns of female empowerment will not help, real heroes will make the change, help the women to stand alone.

Don't follow me, I am not leading you

Don't lead me, I am not following you

Don't walk beside me, I am not the companion

Just walk with me.

Longest travel of million miles will start from the small step, don't expect to change the world, be the small change first.
